Firewatch tropes
Firewatch tropes

firewatch tropes

Very early in the game you’ll be contacted by Irving, a FEMA agent warning you of the brewing snowstorm and trying to keep you safe. One major point of contention I have with The Suicide of Rachel Foster is that main character Nicole just seems so unlikable. But as she uncovers more information it starts to become clear that there’s more to this story than initially thought. Rachel’s suicide and the ongoing investigation into the scandal is something Nicole is eager to leave behind her. The two families involved were quite prolific in the area she grew up, and the shame of the transgression resulted in the suicide of the teenage victim.

firewatch tropes

That’s because when Nicole was younger, her father cheated on her mother with an underage girl. Although the history of her family’s scandal is hard to avoid. Nicole grew up in this hotel, her childhood room still remains intact. Whilst Nicole wants to complete the inspection process as quickly as possible, a snowstorm traps her inside and forces her to acknowledge the memories she is trying to suppress. Playing as Nicole, you’re sent to inspect your family’s hotel after you inherit the abandoned building. Similarly, I’ll give a content warning for this review, because it’s hard to talk about a narrative driven game without discussing the game’s narrative. So much so that you’ll be met with a trigger warning after loading up the game, encouraging you to seek supervision and support if you think you’ll be negatively impacted by any of the game’s themes. If you can’t tell by the name alone, The Suicide of Rachel Foster deals with very mature themes.

Firewatch tropes